11 January 2009

124: sad but i'm happy

this morning, the footprints i left in the snow last night were still there,
completely untouched.
it was almost unbearable, but i went out of my way to retrace my footprints,
now facing the other way.

this morning, the world was so far away.
a distance i cannot measure with the length of my arms.
but not the clouds: they stretched as far as foreign seas; smothering my sky.

where does the world end and where did we start?
and when did your eyes start matching my mood?
i don't know, but after my terrible sleep i think i understand.

i understand this like the clouds and the snow,
and we can meet there, where the wind blows.
yeah, remember our clouds and our snow
and our cold faces from days ago.
i love you and you probably love me too.
it was really fun, and something i will be missing for a very long time.

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